November 13, 2022


Cooperation with universities and professional meetings have been going on. Various interesting meetings were conducted with IB Mthiebi higher school final grade students within the university hour framework dedicated to professional skills development:

  • The meeting with a writer Teona Dolenjashvili was scheduled with  humanitarian students who talked to them about the conflicts and war arts, people possessing what skills play leading roles and what way tactical activities may be developed;  
  • Visit to Ilia State University was scheduled for students majoring in natural sciences where they met Head of the Medical School Ivane Abiatari and talked them about specificity and perspectives of study at the faculty of medicine as well as they visited training laboratories where interesting medical practices were conducted for the visitors;   
  • Visit to the British University was scheduled for students majoring in technical studies where co-founder of the University Misha Gurgenidze conducted the leadership master class dedicated to leader skills development techniques. 
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