February 18, 2023


At IB Mthiebi High School, the students of directions of humanities and exact and natural sciences are starting the project “Virtus”, which is an interdisciplinary project and all subject unions are involved in it.

The presentation of the project was made by the managers of profile schools at our partner Georgian-American University and Caucasus University. During the course of the project, students will be consulted by university lecturers.

During the project, students will work on various topics and such important issues as:

• “Energies in the world” – School of Exact and Natural Sciences;

• “Artificial Intelligence” – Humanitarian School.

The goal of the project is for the student to “discover something new” based on the studied material and be able to:

• Find, sort, organize information

• record, process data and draw conclusions,

• Establish cause-and-effect relationships

• Develop creative, critical and transfer skills

The student will find and process the theoretical material, deepen knowledge about the achievements of sciences and future prospects, develop scientific research skills; critically and creatively consider the possibilities of the field.

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