2021-2022 Academic Year
01.10.2021 – We are ready to meet you. We already finished the preparatory works and now we are looking forward to meet our students and parents… Children, we are expecting you, we have lots of adventures ahead
04.10.2021 – 2020 – 2021 The study year started today indeed. Congratulations on starting the study year in the classrooms
05.10.2021 – Diagnostic writing in IB Mtihebi
06.10.2021 – Planned Covid-testing was performed in IB Mtiebi, we continue working in the safe environment, whole staff’s results are negative
08.10.2021 – On October 8th Head of the Educational Processes and Students’ Relationship Service of the British University – Mr. Petre Tsulukidze was invited, who spoke with the school students regarding the significance of selecting profession and students’ skills
11.10.2021 – Academic project “Piggy Bank” was launched at the elementary school of IB Mthiebi
11.10.2021 – Academic project “Workshop” was launched at the IB Mthiebi primary school
11.10.2021 – Project “Triangle” – joint project by IB Mthiebi and the higher education facilities. This year University Hour was involved in the academic program for the graduating students, which aims to prepare the youngsters for the university life within the school walls
11.10.2021 – Educational-academic project “Laboratory” was launched at the IB Mtihebi basic school
11.10.2021 – At all five schools of IB Mthiebi the educational-nursery project “Become an Author” was launched
14.10.2021 – Management board meeting was held at IB Mthiebi
15.10.2021 – Project “Triangle” – one more meeting was held within the mutual project of IB Mthiebi and higher educational facilities. Zura Mkheidze met the graduation students. He spoke with the future university students regarding the expectations on the university life and stress management issues
15.10.2021 – “My literature debut” – this is a project, on which the IB Mthiebi transit school students worked on during one week. They should create a writer with an interesting biography, who would live in the epoque created by their own fantasy and this writer should write the literature work. Fairy tales, stories, novels were written, comixes, illustrations were created, which was turned into the hand-written books afterwa https://youtu.be/3FWhdMdJzCk
15-18.10.2021 – Staff’s health check was ongoing at IB Mthiebi, which was performed by the doctors’ group from the 14th mixed policlinic
We ensure the safe environment for the students and staff
18.10.2021 – Academic project “Virtus” was launched at IB Mthiebi general education school
22.10.2021 – Within the weekly meetings of the project “Triangle”, graduating school students of IB Mthiebi continue to receive important information regarding the student life. Today they met the representative of the Georgian-American University – Ana Tchipashvili, which spoke regarding the bachelor’s assessment system at their university
23.10.2021 – “World Famous Buildings” and “Cosmos” are the topics around which the primary school students were working on within the project “Workshop”, with involvement of the English language department. The students were familiarized with the materials related to the topic and they arranged presentation of very interesting works
28.10.2021 – Within the collaboration of IB Mthiebi and college “Spectrum” presentation of the short-term certification courses was held. The Director in General of the school – Nino Chikvaidze spoke with the eleventh-grade students regarding the significance of selection of the secondary professions and studying various craftmanship. The students will have opportunity to select the desirable course for them and pass the theoretical and practical studies at the college “Spectrum”
28.11.2021 – Today the graduate students of IB Mtiebi were met by the representatives of the Caucasus University: Marketing Events Manager – Mary Khvichia, Dean of the Caucasus University Law School – Sopho Shengelia and Dean of the Caucasus University Humanitarian and Social Sciences School – Davit Natroshvili. They introduced various programs of the university and study methodology, spoke about the funding opportunities and students’ resources
29.10.2021 – Collaboration within IB Mthiebi and universities continues within the project “Triangle” Our graduating students visited the British Educational University, which presented peculiarity of the programs and services at the British University
3-5.11.2021 – External auditory monitoring of the International Occupational Safety and Health Standard ISO : 45001-2018 will be held at IB Mthiebi, in order of recertification. Occupational norms of the students and staff and relevance to the requirements of the international standard at the organization will be checked within the audit. The recertification process will be leaded by the leading auditor of the International Auditory and Certification Company Intertec
01.11.2021 – Artistic writing workshop by the writer Tamar Gegeshidze was held at the IB Mtiebi basic school students, within the project “My Literature Debut”
02.11.2021 – The project “Regularity Algebra” organized by the mathematics department was complete, within the project “Laboratory”. IB Mtiebi basic school students worked on the topics and presented them in front of the audience
03.11.2021 – Three-days long external auditor monitoring of the Occupational Safety and Health standard ISO : 45001-2018 was started, in order of recertification. The working meeting with the Director in General of IB Mthiebi – Nino Chikvaidze was held. Coherency and proper equipment of the IB Mthiebi vehicles was checked. The works performed by the head of the Cleaning Department were monitored
04.11.2021 – External auditor monitoring of the Occupational Safety and Health standard ISO : 45001-2018 was continued, in order of recertification. Works performed by the Quality Manager, Daily Schedule Manager, Doctor were checked. The primary school infrastructure and sanitary-hygienic norms were monitored
05.11.2021 – External auditor monitoring of the Occupational Safety and Health standard ISO : 45001-2018 was continued, in order of recertification. The works performed by the school psychologist and school lawyer were checked. The basic and high school infrastructure and disinfection procedures were monitored
05.11.2021 – Within the project “Triangle” PhD candidate at the Robakidze University – Otar Andriadze was invited at the University Hour, which presented the lecture on the topic “Motivation”, discussing the following issues: planning the future, ways of its implementation and developing self-estimation skills
05.11.2021 – In 2019 memorandum was signed between the college “Spectrum” and IB Mthiebi, within which the eleventh-grade students select the short-term certification courses and study various professions, which has great interest and involvement from the students’ counterpart. Today the director of the college “Spectrum” – Mate Takidze meet the eleventh-grade students of IB Mtiebi, which guided them and introduced the professional programs https://youtu.be/buToSD5mbGI
08.11.2021 – The project “Exhibition Space at IB Mtiebi” was held at the IB Mthiebi elementary school in very interesting and creative manner, which was arrange together with the social science department. Within the project the elementary school students created mock-ups of the various parts of Georgia and unified the Georgian map
08.11.2021 – At the IB Mthiebi primary school the project “Exhibition Space at IB Mthiebi” is ongoing, which was planned and implemented together with the social sciences department. The students readily involved into the project and presented very interesting works
10.11.2021 – During this year at the 44th world final of ICPC44, Professor Hamlet Meladze was awarded with the Joseph S. Deblass prize – for the contribution for the computer art and scientific advance for more than two decades, also, for giving the gifted students from the Northern Eurasia and whole world opportunities. IB Mthiebi congratulates Mr. Hamlet with this significant award and worldwide acknowledgement! https://youtu.be/tSmkOypOKJc
12.11.2021 – “Let’s do and study”
The first-year students of the IB Mthiebi elementary school presented the sculptured works, within the motivational activity implemented by the mathematics department – “Study with doing”
12.11.2021 – The IB Mthiebi transit school students were working on the following topics during one week: “Secret of division”, “Time zones of the world”, within the project “Creative”. During the week, in the process of the project development, the mathematics department teachers were actively involved together with the students. The students presented well processed topics and also, technically well-organized digital presentations
12.11.2021 – “Knowledge Transfer”. The IB Mthiebi elementary school second-year students were actively involved in the integrated motivational activity of the Georgian language and mathematics departments “Decoding the coded proverb”. The students enthusiastically unified knowledge received from the mathematics and Georgian language subjects
15.11.2021 – External audit of the Quality Management ISO 9001:2015 was started at IB Mthiebi, aiming determination the efficiency of the management at IB Mthiebi
16.11.2021 – The presentation of the winner topics of the higher school project “Virtus” – “Transcaucasian traces” was held the IB Mthiebi relax-space, where the students of the precise and natural sciences and humanitarian school were participating. The students presented the processed topics, which were followed by the interesting discussions and were valued with the high scores by the school commission
16.11.2021 – External audit of the Quality Management ISO 9001:2015 was completed at IB Mthiebi, which was held by the international auditor Javidan Melikova from the Intertec. The following was checked through the audit: organizational management systems, annual activitie plans, relevance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard, determination of competence of the human resources, analysis of the works performed during 2020-2021 study year
16.11.2021 – 10th and 11th grade students visited Grigol Robakidze University. The dean of the law faculty of the university – Gulnazi Galdava spoke with the students regarding the perspectives of selection of the profession and presented the university educational programs and educational concept. The students also inspected the criminalistic laboratory, where they were hosted by the head of the laboratory – professor Gia Dekanozishvili
19.11.2021 – Within the dual education, the eleventh-grade students of IB Mthiebi study various needful professions: electricity, web-technologies, repairing the motors of the automobiles, woodcut art, computer networks and systems, labor safety. It was the first study day at the college “Spectrum”
19.11.2021 – Within the project “Triangle” graduating students were met by the dean of the Informatics and Engineering faculty of the Georgian-Americal University – professor Kote Kulijanov, which spoke with the students regarding the role of the high-tech and safety of the personal information
22.11.2021 – Scientific week was held by the IB Mthiebi primary school, which was started with the project “Scientific workshop”. The project was implemented by the Science (natural sciences) teacher – Mrs. Nino Kldiashvili, topic: “Cosmos”. The students together with the parents created and presented amazing “Cosmic World”
22.11.2021 – “Adaptations in the living organisms” – the IB Mthiebi transit school students worked on this topic during one week, within the project “Creative”. The students were involved in the working process with enthusiasm and creatively answered the following major questions: what is adaptation of the living organism within various natural and artificial ecosystems, how adaptations help them to accommodate to the specific essential medium or the variable conditions of the environment
24.11.2021 – At the working meeting of the school heads and sectoral departments of IB Mthiebi the new form of the “Student’s lesson” was discussed and approved, which will be piloted in December and will be applied to the educational procedures since January
30.11.2021 – One day at the primary school – At the IB Mthiebi primary school the project “One day at school” was implemented, which considers complex work of the services at IB Mthiebi, particularly, in-depth study of the psychologist’s, doctor’s, administrator’s, quality manager’s, educational-nursery service’s processes at the primary school. As a result, educational-nursery activities at the primary school were positively assessed
01-10.12.2021 – Intra-scholar eliminator stage of the basketball tournament is planned, which will be conducted by December 10 and will select IB Mthiebi combined basketball team of students born in 2006-2008
03.12.2021 – University hour – within the project “Triangle” professor Giorgi Abashishvili – dean of the Business faculty at the Caucasus University and PhD in Business Administration met the graduating students of IB Mthiebi. He is also a national consultant of the department of economic and social affairs if UN in Georgia. The students listened to the interesting lecture regarding how to turn the activity you love into profession and how to become demanded on the labor market
03.12.2021 – Dual education at IB Mthiebi – Within the collaboration between IB Mthiebi and college “Spectrum”, one more specialty – occupational safety was added to the planned program for the 11th grade students
07-10.2021 – Meeting with the parents’ council – on December 7, 9 and 10 meeting of the executive team of the primary, basic and higher school is planned with the members of the parents’ council, where the analysis of the activities conducted in November, December working plan and +1 educational system will be discussed. The parents will be provided with the list of the rating works in December
03.12.2021 – At the IB Mthiebi basic school the academic project “Laboratory” was performed in the period of 22 November – 3 December, with the topics “NASA” and “Book Worm”. Within the project “NASA” the students conducted the research “National role of NASA in cosmic space research”, and within the project “Book Worm” the students worked on the writings by Mark Twain, Charles Dickens and Mitchell. Students characterized the main characters and compared their lifestyle to the real epoque
06-10.12.2021 – On December 06-10 students of IB Mthiebi participated in the “National Educational Olympiad” in the following disciplines: Georgian language and literature, history, English and German languages, mathematics, biology, physics and geography. The first tour of the Olympiad was held online on the internal area of the school. We are proud of our success!
07.12.2021 – At the IB Mthiebi high school internal complex research was conducted within the project “One day at school”, which was performed by the working team. The team is staffed with the heads of the units, whose activities are directly related and ensure safety of the students and employees and management of the healthy educational and nursery processes. The school activity was positively assessed as a result of the study
07.12.2021 – On December 7, at the IB Mthiebi basic school online-meetings with the 7th, 8th and 9th grade students and their parents were held. During the meeting, head of the school – Nino Dolidze and her executive team presented strategic plan of December and reviewed the results of the activities conducted in November
07.12.2021 – On December 7 representatives of the Digital Academy conducted online masterclass for the ninth and tenth-grade students, on the topic “What are the technologies and software, which professions, directions and opportunities are available in the software”
09-10.12.2021 – On December 9 – 10 at the IB Mthiebi primary school online-meetings with the primary school students and their parents were held. During the meeting, head of the school – Nino Abashidze and her executive team presented strategic plan of December and reviewed the results of the activities conducted in November
10.12.2021 – The Arts department of IB Mthiebi conducted the project “Creative” at the transit school, with the topic scenography. In particular, the students got familiarized with Petre Otskheli’s creation. They created sketches, made the play mock-up by own interpretation and worked on the design
09-10.12.2021 – On December 9 – 10 at the IB Mthiebi high school online-meetings with the students of 10th, 11th and 12th grades and their parents were held. During the meeting, head of the school – Ramaz Paresashvili and her executive team presented strategic plan of December and reviewed the results of the activities conducted in November
10.12.2021 – One of the most important projects of the 21st century – Ted Talk was established in the Georgian educational space by the students of IB Mthiebi. The goal of Ted Talk – share your experience and think differently – was achieved within the event scope. IB Mtiebi shows its gratitude towards the British University, English Book Education and Thinking Academy
11.12.2021 – Georgian-American University suggests students of 11th and 12th grades of IB Mthiebi the project “Modelled lectures”. Within the project you will be able to select the lecture you want and attend it. You will be able to meet lecturers of various faculties and be involved into the interesting discussions and most importantly, you will become the students of GAU for one day
11.12.2021 – Within the collaboration between IB Mhtiebi and college “Spectrum”, one more specialty – occupational safety was added to the planned program for the 11th grade students. The students which joined this specialty note that after passing this course they will have more critical approach towards adherence to the norms, both in public and private spaces
06-17.12.2021 – At the IB Mthiebi basic school the project “Music everywhere” is ongoing. Within the project, each student interested in music, members of the group “Infadus”, invited by the music teacher of IB Mtiebi – Giorgi Khurtsilava, conducted the masterclass “How to create musical composition”
13-17.12.2021 – At the IB Mthiebi transit school, the week “How to create handcraft items” was conducted with participation of the nursery service and school administration. The students learned and created ornaments and Christmas decorations usind various instruments and materials. Based on the acquired knowledge, students will decorate the classrooms
17.12.2021 – The director and academic council of IB Mhtiebi actively worked on the summary writing statute, which is adapted on both online and school-based students and those, who selected hybrid studies. The school is ready to conduct knowledge summary activities for all three groups of students, which will promote targeted and qualitative planning of the second semester
21-29.12.2021 – December summary rating testing is ongoing in the Primary, Basic and High schools of IB Mhtiebi, both in the classes and online, as well as for the hybrid mode students
20.12.2021 – IB Mthiebi successfully underwent external audits of Quality Management ISO 9001:2015 and Occupational safety and health ISO 45001:2018. The school activity, management system, material and human resources were assessed as completely relevant to the international standards
30.12.2021 – IB Mthiebi wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – wish you a health and success! The working process will renew on 10 January, 2022 at IB Mtiebi, and the educational process – on 17 January, 2022
10.01.2022 – Training is conducted on auditing, equipment and human resource management for all IB Mthiebi leaders. The training is based on the newest standards ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 9001:2015. The training will be leaded by the Quality Manager of IB Mtiebi, the leading auditor on ISO:45001 and ISO:9001 – Salome Chkheidze. We are ready to create something new and think on continuous development, to give our students’ opportunity to receive the qualitative education
10.01.2021 – The working process was renewed at IB Mthiebi and the day began with the training of the leader group. The training was conducted on the audit conducting technique and human resources management. The training is based on the newest standards ISO 45001:2018 and ISO9001:2015. The managerial and teachers’ teams started planning the second semester, which is oriented to providing the students with the qualitative education.
21.01.2022 – From January 24 to January 28 working meetings with the departaments of academic disciplines are planned in IB Mthiebi. Meeting agenda:
- Activity report of the department in the first semester
- Summary of students’ academic results
- Review the plan for the second semester of the department
21.01.2022 – On January 28 – 29, a meeting of the Board of Teachers and Educators will be held at IB Mthiebi, Elementary, Secondary and High School.
The meeting will summarize the work done in the first semester and approve the action plan of the second semester
21.01.2022 – From January 24 to January 28, elementary, secondary and high school of IB Mthiebi is scheduled to retake the student’s summative knowledge test
03.02.2022 – Our school joined the large-scale event “World Read Aloud Day”. The students of 11th grade, along with the school staff, read an excerpt from Jemal Karchkhadze’s novel “Antonio and David” and contributed to the popularization of the book
25.02.2022 – The theme of the Elementary School Week was “Healthy Eating” and our students, along with a graduate student of “IB Mthiebi” Mr. Avtandil Tsetskhladze, summarized the obtained knowledge and applied it in practice in a creative manner; they baked the bread “Fokacha” using the healthiest products as ingredients. Our deep gratitude to Mr. Avtandil for making this day even more interesting
02.03.2022 – Integrated motivational event “One day of spring” and “Letter to Mother” was held at the primary school of “IB Mthiebi” – arranged by the Department of Georgian Language and Department of Education. The students congratulated their mothers on Mother’s Day
04.03.2022 – Students of IB Mthiebi Elementary School summarized the educational theme of the week “Call 112”. They staged various situations using costumes and shared the information they had received during the week in a fun manner
08.03.2022 – The primary, Secondary and High school of “IB Mthiebi” held a sitting at the United Pedagogical Hall. Teachers and educators were required to present a work plan for March-April, accentuated directions, and updated methodological documentation of the lessons and study hours
11.03.2022 – From the 2nd to the 11th of March, students of III-IV grades of IB Mthiebi Elementary School participated in the projects “Workshop” and “Character’s Journey in the 21st Century” with enthusiasm, which aims to develop students’ creative skills, teamwork skills, and increase their motivation to learn. Students selected works, episodes, characters, divided the works into stories, created comics, dioramas, and presented them to the audience
11.03.2022 – On March 26, 2022, in the shopping center “Tbilisi Mall” Junior Achievement Georgia – in cooperation with the USAID / Georgia’s (United States Agency for International Development) project “Supporting Entrepreneurship Education in Europe and Eurasia” and with TBC – organizes the exhibition sale of mini-companies involved in the training of the “Entrepreneurship” program; there will be presented the products of the 30 best mini-companies participating in the entrepreneurship program.
One of the 30 mini-companies selected throughout Georgia is a company consisting of 4 students of 11th grade of the Boarding School IB Mthiebi (Mariam Aslamazishvili; Ketevan Zakariadze; Mariam Machaidze; Nikoloz Popov). The established mini-company “Clay-Hulukie” (Creatures of Clay) will take part in the exhibition sale on March 26. Hence, “IB Mthiebi” is going to participate in this exhibition and supporters can attend. Beginning of the event 11am
18.03.2022 – Educational project “Knowledge-box” was held in English and German at IB Mthiebi Elementary School. Within the framework of the project, students summarized the knowledge they had gained during the week through fun and exciting activities
23.03.2022 – This year on March 23, a working meeting was held for teachers of the Department of Mathematics of IB Mthiebi and Mr. Zviad Dekanoidze – a representative of the English Book Education Organization. The purpose of the meeting was to make changes to the elementary school math curriculum for the 2022-2023 school year and to discuss the math curriculum of the International Bachelor Organization (IB) at the PYP level
23.03.2022 – Students created „Traffic Light of Decision“ – Stop, Think, Decide – within the framework of the educational subject “My Desicion” of IBMtiebi Primary school. The aim of the project is for the student to understand the pros and cons of a decision that will help them make the right decision
and to discuss the math curriculum of the International Bachelor Organization (IB) at the PY 23.03.2022 – This year during the week of March 21-25, the students of IB Mthiebi Secondary School were instructed on the rules of action in case of emergency. The students received information on the meaning of an emergency, its causes, and possible dangers. Options for danger avoidance were discussed and debated
24.03.2022 – On March 25, Training for the Teachers of the Elementary School (preparatory group, 1st grade, 2nd grade) was held concerning the method to summarize the executed work and the system we use to plan the work to be executed the following week
25.03.2022 – The project “How do we live together on the planet” was planned for the preparatory group and students aged six to seven. The project is integrated and all the departments of all the subjects are involved. At the meeting on March 25 of this year, the elementary school teachers presented the methods required for the project implementation and the planned activities
26.03.02022 – XI grade students of IB Mthiebi participated in the 2022 Entrepreneurship Education Festival. They founded the mini-business company Clay-Hulukies and created beautiful works of clay. Good luck to our students!
01.04.2022 – The teaching process at the IB Mthiebi Elementary School is conducted using thematic projects based on an international standard teaching model. All the subject departments are categorized around a specific topic.
- For students, the day is enlightening, fun, exciting and creative
- The learning process is carried out using “learning by doing” method
- During the project the student attempts to combine the knowledge gained from different subjects, which develops his / her cognitive, motor and social skills.
This week’s theme is “How do we live together on the planet”, and all curricular or extracurricular activities are tailored to this theme. The implementation of this project creates an opportunity to introduce mathematics and natural sciences in the primary school according to the IB standard starting from the next school year
04.04.2022 – The psychologist, Mrs. Nana Gogichashvili, held a meeting with 11th-grade students of IB Mthiebi. The topic of the meeting was Understanding the Responsibility of the Entrant and Their New Challenges.
It is going to be a crucial and responsible year for our students, which is why their readiness and attitude are of special importance
05.04.2022 – The project “Discover Georgia” was implemented for 5, 6, and 7-year-old students of IB Mthiebi, which envisages summarizing the knowledge gained within the framework of the school project “How do we live together on the planet” in the outdoor space – with the involvement of the teaching team and educators. Students visited churches and monasteries, collected offerings, and conducted relaxing activities in nature
08.03.2022 –The groups of the 5-year-olds of the IB Mthiebi Elementary School summarized the project How do we live together on the planet with an integrated, theatrical performance involving all the subjects participating in the project
08.04.2022 – In the 1st and 2nd grades of the IB Mthiebi Elementary School the project How do we live together on the planet was completed with summarizing lessons. The teachers, together with the students, using different formats and interesting works presented the knowledge acquired during the last two weeks
08.04.2033 – The 3-month Vocational Education Course at IB Mthiebi and college Spectrum has been completed. The college supervisors and teachers rewarded our students with certificates. The theoretical or practical knowledge acquired during the course will be extremely useful in their future professions. We are really grateful to the team of Spectrum for such an active collaboration!
13.04.2022 – The final works of the project “Virtus” were defended at the IB Mthiebi High School, within the framework of which the students of the Technical and Humanitarian School presented interesting works on the following topics:
Russia-Ukraine war; Criminal tasks; Weapons – the modern face of war; Traveling through your own mind; Controversy between generations; Crowd psychology; Homeostatic Imbalance in psychosomatic disorders – causes and consequences; Mathematics and Architecture; Electricity and living organisms; Mechanisms of acid rain formation and its effects on living organisms; Plastic and its effects on living organisms; Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis).
The project presentation was held at the Georgian-American University, and the following representatives of the university were involved in the assessment of students:
- Ani Chipashvili – the Head of External Communications and Career Development of GAU Center
- Tsisia Gogokhia – the Student of Business Administration of GAU
- Thekla Ratiani – the Student of English Philology of GAU
We thank the Georgian-American University for active cooperation in educational projects
14.04.2022 – Only the mother language is the language dwelling in the soul and the heart, all foreign languages belong to the memory. . . Only in the mother language can a person pray fervently. ”Iakob Gogebashvili
IB Mthiebi wishes you a Happy Mother Language Day!
14.04.2022 – The project “Walk around Georgia” will be implemented in IB Mthiebi on April 15, within the framework of which students will visit various cultural sights.
This year, for the first time, students of the partner universities are participating in outdoor activities of IB Mthiebi High School to plan an interesting and creative day for students.
Within the framework of this project, we invited Nino Kekelidze – the Doctor of Business Administration, Associate Professor and the Head of the Education Committee of the Georgian Tourism Association – to the school.
With the students, she discussed the importance of tourism in Georgia, introduced them to the different types of tourism and travel, and gave recommendations and instructions concerning the outdoor activities planned under the project.
SEU students talked to students about the importance of student life and implemented fun activities with them about using the resources required for traveling in nature
14.04.2022 – Science picnic in the IB Mthiebi. Project: “Earth is our home – Environment, and Organisms”
Every year the Department of Natural Sciences carries out interesting and creative projects.
It is particularly worth mentioning the project of this year, as after online and hybrid learning, it was within the framework of this project students had the opportunity to work in groups and conduct research at school, which was implemented by students of the elementary and basic school.
One of the main purposes of the project was to help students grasp the depth of environmental problems – the dangers and consequences of water, soil, air pollution.
3rd / 4th graders presented how “Our Neighbors on the Earth – Animals” defend themselves
5th / 6th graders brought to life the Earth’s vast ecosystems – biomes, and presented it all using their own handmade models.
In the process of the project implementation, the students grasped the importance of taking care of the environment.
Basic school students presented this project from different perspective and attempted to incorporate the material studied in physics-chemistry when explaining biological systems.
The work of the Department of Sciences was evaluated with the highest score!
In the process of the project implementation all teachers of the Department of Natural Sciences were involved:
• Nana Kobakhidze; Nino Kldiashvili; Eka Shubladze; Eka Nebieridze; Luiza Dolidze; Sofo Metreveli; Nugzar Bochoidze; Mana Migineishvili; Keti Gogoberishvili; Salome Qadagishvili; Nino Gongadze
15.04.2022 –This year, on March 18, 19, 20, the basic and secondary school will hold diagnostic tests to test students’ knowledge
15.04.2022 – IB Mthiebi Department of Sports organized Relaxation Day to develop gross motor skills in 5, 6 and 7 years old students. The students participated in various sports activities – with the pedagogical team and educators being involved as well
15.04.2022 – After a long pandemic, IB Mthiebi launched a large-scale field trip project “Discover and Show Georgia” – a cognitive, relaxing, and charitable tour in the Kartli-Kakheti region, which aimed at discovering unknown sights and historical monuments and sharing them with the public using hashtags.
The project brought together more than 1,300 students from the primary, basic, and high schools and was implemented through the collaboration of the Department of Social Sciences, the Department of Education, and the partner universities.
Within the framework of this event, our students celebrated Easter in the churches and monasteries.
The day ended with a fun and exciting picnic
19.04.2022 – We thank the British University for its active cooperation in the process of learning.
IB Mthiebi traditionally continues to do chary activities. Students, along with parents and co-workers, offer homeless people Easter gifts, visit churches, monasteries, and large families
19.04.2022 – Within the framework of the collaboration between IB Mthiebi and the British University, the British University conducted an English language diagnostic test for IB Mthiebi High School entrants to mimic national exams and facilitate their adaptation to the university as the future university students, and receive important test recommendations
02.05.2022 – The project Write, Read, Speak – summarizing the knowledge gained throughout the academic year, launched for the 5, 6, and 7-year-old students in the primary school of IB Mthiebi.
The project involves the cooperation of all subject departments and the Department of Education to develop the student’s reading, writing, and speaking skills and summarize the gained knowledge.
Good luck to our little students!
05.05.2022 – The exhibition “Vocational Education for Success” was held in the Vocational College Spectrum, within the framework of which the vocations were introduced, and a competition was organized in the vocations that the students of the school had mastered in the past months.
Students of IB Mthiebi High School participated and won in the following fields:
- Construction and Improvement of an Experimental House;
- Electricity.
Each vocation in the school competition had a support company that rewarded the successful students.
Nino Chikvaidze, the General Director of IB Mthiebi, gave a speech on the importance of vocational education and current activities at the school in this field and mentioned the achievements of students. Also, our students gave presentations about their motivation and gained practical knowledge in German, English, and Georgian languages.
The exhibition was attended by: The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Georgia – Hubert Knirsch, the representatives of the Vocational Skills Agency, Deputy Director of GIZ PSD TVET SC – Selma Ulrichs, the Deputy Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Georgia – Mariam Lashkhi, the Executive Director of ICCA – Ana Sabakhtarashvili.
This year the collaboration between IB Mthiebi and the College Spectrum was completed successfully. Thank you so much to the Spectrum and the whole team!
06.05.2022 – The project Triangle continues in IB Mthiebi High School, within the framework of which students are introduced to various professions that will significantly contribute to their choices of university and career.
Interesting meetings were held for 11th-grade students within the framework of the project, together with a partner university.
Salome Ghudushauri – the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Engineering of Georgian American University, met with students of Exact and Natural sciences.
The Technological Revolution
Zaza Rukhadze – the Dean, Vice-President and Professor of the School of Law, Social Sciences, and Diplomacy of the Georgian American University met with the students of Humanities.
Topic: Interesting facts in the Civil Code
10.05.2022 – Georgian American University hosted IB Mthiebi High School students and held a medical master’s class on First Aid for students. At the meeting, students obtained both theoretical and essential practical knowledge. The training was conducted by Dr. Magda Gerantia, the lecturer at GAU Medical School and the instructor of PHTLS course.
The masterclass was led by Nino Kasradze, who is the head of GAU Medical School of Training Center and the coordinator of the American Heart Association International Training Center
11.05.2022 – The IB Mthiebi Academic Team has developed a package of training and educational curriculums for the 2022-2023 academic year. The following persons were also actively involved in the development of the curriculum package: a school doctor, a psychologist, and representatives of higher education institutions. The completed package of the curriculum will be available to students and parents
12.05.2022 – Mariam Gvinepadze, a student of IB Mthiebi, is on the list of winners of Forbes # 30under30. Within the framework of the project, she presented her original book “Three Choices from the Roofs of Our Homes”, which brought her victory.
IB Mthiebi congratulates Mary on this significant achievement!
13.05.2022– The project Write, Read, Speak – summarizing the knowledge gained throughout the academic year, continues for the 5, 6, and 7-year-old students in the primary school of IB Mthiebi. The second week of the project – writing skills
13.05.2022 – Nato Toronjadze, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business of the Georgian American University, met with IB Mthiebi High School students and held a fascinating and interactive meeting on Management of One’s Own Business and Finances and Development of Startups.
At the meeting, students had the opportunity to share their startup ideas and, as the lecture progressed, to gain more basic knowledge about the resources and planning required for the development of a small business
16.05.2022 – German partners – the members of the IB Board, visited the IB Mthiebi, inspected the infrastructure, met with the leaders, and talked about future plans and prospects. The school was visited by: Leila Becker – the IB Board Member; Carola Becker, the Director of IB Affiliates; Richard Schottdorf, the Managing Director of the IB International Cooperation
17.05.2022 – IBMthiebi Pavilion project. The project is a summary of the study conducted by the students of the primary school’s VIII and IX technical classes. Students explored and studied the typology of pavilion designs using the example of the Serpentine Pavilions in London. The students of the technical classes individually made presentations of the study results. Also, models of group-made pavilions were exhibited, which were designed by them.
Tornike Dadiani – the Head of the Department of Art, facilitated the project
18.02.2022 – With the support of partner universities, graduating students of IBMthiebi High School of General Education underwent mock national exams on May 16, 17, and 18. These exams were summary of the knowledge of IB Mthiebi entrants and such mock exam helped students to be prepared for the national exams. Exams were conducted on the following subjects: Georgian, English, Mathematics, History, Biology. We thank the partner universities for their active cooperation and significant contribution to the examination process
20.05.2022 – Today an interesting meeting was held at the IBMthiebi Librarium between primary school students and Lela Tsutskiridze, a contemporary Georgian writer. Students presented the writer’s poems, short stories, and illustrations based on these works. Ms. Lela answered students’ questions and talked about how she created her characters and illustrations. She mentioned the importance of the reader. Meeting a contemporary writer made a great impression on our students
20.05.2022 – Ana Sakvarelidze, a 12th-grade student at IB Mthiebi High School, participated and won a prize in an essay competition organized by AIESEC and the University of Alterbridge. Her work was named one of the top five and the IB Mthiebi was awarded a certificate of appreciation for the success of its student. Anna presented an essay in English on gender inequality.
IB Mthiebi congratulates her on this success
23.05.2022 – IB Mthiebi launches to introduce the new international food safety standard – HACCP, which ensures more food safety and meets the requirements of Georgian legislation and food safety. Although it has been years since IB Mthiebi obtained two certificates of international standard – ISO 9001 and ISO 45001, it continues to foster quality development and meet the requirements of both the Georgian legislation and international standards
23.05.2022 – The presentation of the 3-year bachelor’s program, which is innovative in the higher education system of Georgia, was held at the Caucasus University – a partner of IBMthiebi. The program is implemented in business administration in cooperation with the University of Rennes, France. Upon completing the program, a student receives a double diploma: from Caucasus University and Rennes School of Business. Tomorrow a meeting with the graduating students will be held, and they will receive detailed information about the curriculum, international academic staff, and an internship in France
27.05.2022 – The School Last Bell in IB Mthiebi. 70 students graduated from the school, and there were issued:
- 22 first-degree certificates (gold);
- 8 second-degree certificates.
Honorary students of IB Mthiebi became: Mariam Ghvinepadze; Data Topuria
At the end of the day, there was a banquet held in Kvareli, in the territory of Khareba Winery, to celebrate the Last Bell
31.05.2022 – On June 3, the annual summarizing creative and relaxation day will be held at Ilia Lake in Kvareli, to which all students from IBMthiebi from 5 to 18 years old will attend, as well as all school staff. Within the framework of this project, IBMthiebi hosts families from Ukraine. The project is supported by the Red Cross of Georgia and at their request, an introductory meeting of the project with Ukrainian families was held today
02.06.2022 – The summarizing project of the year – Write, Read, Speak – for students aged 5, 6, and 7 at the primary school of IB Mthiebi has been completed. The summary week’s purpose was to develop students’ oral speech skills. Sopho Sharashidze, the head of the elementary school, was the project manager. The project was conducted by Georgian, mathematics, science, history, and foreign language teachers of primary school, in which class educators were actively involved
03.06.2022 – On June 3, the annual summarizing creative and relaxation day was held at Ilia Lake in Kvareli, to which attended about 1400 students from IB Mthiebi, about 600 parents, and all school staff. IBMthiebi hosted families from Ukraine and they were pleased to participate in various activities.
The project was supported by the Red Cross of Georgia
10.06.2022 – The English Language Department of IB Mthiebi summarized the academic year and presented the play Oliver Twist. Learning is always fun when it is creative and tailored to the student’s interests. We are completing an English language course and will see you again next school year with the news
15.06.2022 – An interesting and interactive meeting was held for 11th-grade students of IB Mthiebi on the following topics: how to prepare for becoming a university student, how to choose a profession and what influences their decision, why should they get involved in student activities and professional volunteering, what skills are needed for future university students and how to adapt to university after school.
Our guest was Muro Takalandze – a trainer, a lecturer in pre-undergraduate programs and career development, and a specialist in strategic communications
16.06.2022 – Literary salon on Tamar Gegeshidze’s “ჩუმად უნდა იჯდე“ (You Should Sit In Silence) was held in the Librarium of the IB Mthiebi, where the students and teachers of the IB Mthiebi participated.
In the evening, students shared their impressions and emotions of the books, talked about peer characters from books, and read excerpts from them
20.06.2022 – The administration of Didube District held an awarding ceremony for excellent students of district schools.
IB Mthiebi was represented by 30 medal-winning students, who were awarded certificates and gifts.
The directorate of IB Mthiebi congratulates the excellent students on this great success
21.06.2022 – EU-Georgia Business Forum 2022 was held for the first time in Sheraton Grand Tbilisi Metekhi Palace, organized by the European Business Association and supported by the European Union.
The forum was attended by over 200 people, including the EU Ambassador to Georgia Carl Hartzell, representatives of the Georgian Parliament, Government, Business Support Organizations, European Businesses from different sectors, Diplomatic Corps, International Organizations, and Financial Institutions. The founder and general director of IBMthiebi, Nino Chikvaidze, and the co-founder and financial director of IBMthiebi, Ana Javakhishvili, were invited to the forum. IBMthiebi has become a member of the European Economic Cooperation Platform (EECP)